Terms of use

Gaston-Sacaze Europe Commercial Office

Corporate name: Connexions Latines SAS

Company creation date: 12/06/2015

SAS with capital of €10,000

  • Trademark: Gaston-Sacaze Europe

  • Head office address: 3 rue Paul Tavernier 77300 Fontainebleau

  • Atout France license: IM077150003

  • Financial guarantee: member of APST, 15 rue Carnot, 75017 Paris

  • Liability insurance: Hiscox Civil Liability contract no. HA RCP0244989

  • Commercial register: 811 987 395 R.C.S. MELUN

  • Intracommunity VAT: FR33811987395

  • SIRET: 811 987 395 00019

  • NAF code: 7912Z


Majority shareholder: Stéphane Coudassot, Chairman

Minority - Mrs. Férouze Bougouffa, General Manager

Staff: 3 people

Gaston-Sacaze Peru

Company name: Gaston Sacaze E.I.R.L.

Company creation date: 02/05/1997

Trade register no.: 28931

Head office address: Ricardo Angulo 1258-1260 - Urb Corpac - San Isidro - Lima 27

Liability insurance - Rimac seguros - N°1201 - 520 155

Gaston-Sacaze Bolivia

Company name: Alma Turismo S.R.L.

Company creation date: 21/01/2004

Trade register number: 00283229

Head office address: Avenida Arce No 2355. Edificio Cobija. Piso 5to departamento 501 - Barrio de Sopocachi - La Paz - Bolivia

Tourism operation authorization no.: 040/2014 - RDOPAT220

Gaston-Sacaze Ecuador

Company name: Gaston Sacaze S.A.

Company creation date: 27/01/2004

Head office address: Calle Gregorio Munga N39-249 y Gaspar de Villarroel, Edificio Dinastía - 4to piso oficina 4A - Quito - Ecuador

Tourism license number: 1701504426

Gaston-Sacaze Chile

Company name: Turismo Limitada

Company creation date: 04/04/2007

Head office address: Guardia Vieja 181 - oficina 602 - Providencia - Santiago - Chile

RUT no.: 76837340-K

Gaston-Sacaze Argentina

Company name: Gaston Sacaze S.R.L. (E.I.R.L.)

Company creation date: 05/09/2005

Head office address: Parana 754, piso 11, oficina "B" (C1017) - Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Argentina

Travel and Tourism Business License: Categoría (Ministerio de Turismo): E.V.T. Empresa de Viajes y Turismo (Legajo: 12677)

Site editing & publication

This site, accessible from the URL address https://gaston-sacaze.com/, is published by Connexions Latines. It is the property of Connexions Latines, SAS with a share capital of 10,000 euros, registered in the Fontainebleau Trade and Companies Register under number 81198739500019 and whose intra-community VAT number is: FR33811987395.

The publication director of this site is Stéphane COUDASSOT, in his capacity as President of Connexions Latines.

Site hosting


2150 E. Warner Rd.

Tempe, AZ 85284

( +(480) 624 2500 ; gogoname.com)

The website's graphic design was developed by Antonin Baudoin. Most of the photographs come from the Adobe Stock image bank and from trips taken by our customers.