Privacy Policy

Gaston-Sacaze Europe is committed to ensuring that the processing of personal data carried out in the course of its business complies with European Regulation No. 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) of a personal nature, as well as with the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés).

In this privacy policy (the "Policy"), we explain how and why we use your data, what your rights are and how to exercise them.

What is personal data?

Personal data ("Personal Data" or "Data") means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person:

- directly (last name, first name, e-mail address) or

- indirectly (IP address, geolocation).

To whom is this Privacy Policy addressed?

This Policy applies to all our services (the "Services"), i.e. the organization and sale of trips, in particular via the website (the "Site").

Its purpose is to inform the person using our Services ("The Customer"), the visitors to this website ("The Visitors"), and the candidates for our job offers ("The Candidates") defined together as "The Users".

Who collects your Data?

The Data Controller, within the meaning of the European Data Protection Regulation, is Gaston-Sacaze Europe, whose corporate name is Connexion Latine SAS represented by Mr. Stéphane Coudassot in his capacity as Chairman of the company.

How do we collect your Data?

Gaston-Sacaze Europe collects Data online (including by e-mail), on paper or orally (during a physical appointment or by telephone) and this Policy applies regardless of the method of collection or processing.

Why do we collect your Data?

Some of your Data are necessary for the processing and provision of our Services. Failure to provide this information will prevent the proper functioning of the Services.

For your information, you will find below a non-exhaustive list of the categories of data collected, corresponding to the purposes of our data collection.

To respond to your request for a quote :

Categories of Data collected: identity data (name), contact data (e-mail address, telephone number), professional data (company), data on your personal life (data related to your travel preferences, centers of interest).

Persons concerned: Customers

Legal basis: pre-contractual measures taken at your request.

To prepare and sell your trip:

Categories of Data collected: identity data (surname, first name, nationality, date of birth, passport), contact data (email address, telephone number, address), economic data (your budget per person), personal data (dietary preferences).

Persons concerned: Customers

Legal basis: contractual measures taken at your request.

To answer your request made when you contact us by email :

Categories of Data collected: identity data (surname, first name), contact data (e-mail address).

Persons concerned : Users

Legal basis: legitimate interest in offering you our Services.

To process your response to a job offer :

Categories of Data collected: identity data (surname, first name), contact data (e-mail address, telephone number), information contained in the curriculum vitae and covering letter (photograph, professional background).

Persons concerned: Candidates

Legal basis: pre-contractual measures taken at your request.

To conduct loyalty-building, promotional and sales prospecting operations:

Categories of Data collected: identity data (surname, first name) and contact data (e-mail address, telephone number).

Persons concerned : Users

Legal basis: your consent when you tick the appropriate box on the quotation request form.

You can decide to withdraw your consent to loyalty-building, promotional and commercial prospecting operations at any time by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in our promotional emails.

For statistical purposes:

Categories of Data collected: browsing data (IP address).

Persons concerned : Users

Session data for registered users

Legal basis: your consent when you accept the deposit of statistical cookies.

To provide you with targeted advertising that responds to your preferences:

Categories of Data collected: browsing data (last sites visited, google ads crossed and which of these ads you clicked on) Data subjects: Users

Legal basis: your consent when you accept the deposit of cookies.

Use of personal data collected :

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves in the same way as if the visitor were visiting that other site.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, track your interactions with these embedded contents if you have a logged-in account on their website.

Are you obliged to provide your Personal Data?

The provision of your Personal Data when using our Services is optional with regard to loyalty-building, promotional and commercial prospecting activities; statistical operations concerning visitor numbers; targeted advertising.

When you make specific requests, such as a request for a quotation, the processing of your Data is compulsory. Indeed, we cannot answer your request without processing your Data (email address in particular).

Please note that once you have given your consent to the processing of your Personal Data, you may withdraw this consent at any time via the dedicated address.

How long do we keep your Data?

We only keep your Data for as long as is necessary to carry out the operations for which it was collected, except where the law provides for a different retention period.

You acknowledge that the Data you communicate to us and which are stored in our information systems are accurate and constitute proof of your identity.

With whom do we share your Data?

The Data collected are shared, according to their respective needs and in accordance with the purposes mentioned above, with :

- Gaston-Sacaze Europe staff

- the staff of our partners: Gaston-Sacaze Peru; Gaston-Sacaze Bolivia; Gaston-Sacaze Ecuador; Gaston-Sacaze Chile; Gaston-Sacaze Argentina

- staff of external hosting services for our website

- external service personnel for commercial prospecting purposes

Is your Data sent outside the European Union?

We may share some of your Data outside the European Union with service providers located outside the European Union. Nevertheless, each transfer is governed by a mechanism ensuring protection equivalent to that guaranteed by European Union law.

For example, we share them with our partners in the Gaston Sacaze sales network located in South America in order to offer you trips adapted to your needs.

As the Site is accessible on the Internet, its content, and therefore your publications, may be accessible outside the European Union.

What security measures have we taken to protect you?

We undertake to implement all the technical and organizational measures necessary to protect your Personal Data.

In addition to upstream measures such as data minimization, we carry out audits of our service providers to ensure that security measures are properly implemented to guarantee the integrity, confidentiality and availability of your Data.

Our contracts with our service providers include a section dedicated to data protection, in compliance with applicable laws.

What are your rights?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and subject to compliance with the legal obligations imposed on Gaston-Sacaze Europe in connection with its business, each individual may exercise the following rights:

You can :

Request a copy of the Data stored by Gaston Sacaze Europe - Right of access

Correct inaccurate personal data - Right of rectification

Request the deletion of certain Data concerning you - Right of deletion

Oppose our processing of your Data; this request is incompatible with the processing linked to the purchase of your plane ticket - Right of opposition

Decide at any time to withdraw your consent - Right of withdrawal

Restrict the use of your Data until your request has been processed - Right to restrict processing

Oppose profiling of your Data - Right to object to profiling; Gaston Sacaze does not carry out profiling

Exercise your right to portability - if applicable

When a Data violation likely to generate a high risk for your rights and freedoms is detected, you will be informed of this violation as soon as possible.

You may formulate directives concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of your Personal Data after your death, in accordance with article 85 of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978.

How to exercise your rights

These rights and instructions can be exercised by writing to us at :

- by post to the following address: 3 rue Paul Tavernier 77300 Fontainebleau; or

- electronically:

In order to enable us to identify you quickly and respond to your request, you must attach to your request all the information needed to establish your identity (in particular your customer number or a request made directly via your account). A reply will be sent to you within 1 month of receipt of your request. In certain cases, due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests, this deadline may be extended by 2 months.

You can also contact the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the regulatory authority in charge of enforcing personal data protection regulations in France, via the Internet at or by post at the following address: Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715, 75334 PARIS CEDEX.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Policy by posting a new version on our Site. We undertake not to lower the level of confidentiality of your Data substantially without informing you and obtaining your consent.


If you have a question about our Privacy Policy, please contact us:


By post: 3 rue Paul Tavernier 77300 Fontainebleau, France