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Salar d'Uyuni & Lipez Lagoons

3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS - Rates on request

Private accommodation - Board according to program


Day 1 - Uyuni - Turquiri Lagoon - Jewels of the Andes - Siloli Desert - Uyuni

Departure from Uyuni. On the way, visit the church of San Cristóbal and the train cemetery, where you can see the remains of locomotives from the IXX and XX centuries.

We continue our discovery with a visit to the Turquiri lagoonat 4261 m.s.n.m., a magnificent lagoon of dark waters, also known as the Black Lagoon, inhabited by endemic ducks of the same color as its waters.

The scenery is breathtaking! You'll also see tall rocks with strange formations, where it's possible to observe large Yareta plants in the vicinity.

Packed lunch included during the excursion.

Continuation to the Jewels of the Andes: this region owes its name to the magnificent and captivating lagoons that populate it. Situated at altitudes of between 4,000m and 4,200m, these lagoons create dreamlike landscapes, full of beauty and serenity, one of the most beautiful portraits of Bolivia. Named Cañapa, Hedionda, Chiarkota, Honda and Ramadita, these lagoons feature different shades of color and calm, serene waters.

Departure for the "Paseo del León", an ochre and beige canyon with numerous rock shelters contrasting with the green of the huge clumps of "Yareta".

Continuation to the Siloli Desert.

Arrival and check-in at hotel.

Dinner & overnight stay.

Day 2 - Siloli Desert - Green Lagoon - Red Lagoon - San Pedro de Quemez - Uyuni

Early departure for the Eduardo Avaroa Reserve (REA) in the Sud Lípez region. This reserve is one of the country's most important natural tourist attractions, thanks to its otherworldly landscapes of arid deserts and icy lagoons, making it one of the country's most emblematic regions.

Route à travers le Désert du Siloli. Situé à 4000m d’altitude. Ce désert aride aux rafales de vents glacées présente de magnifiques structures géologiques. Parmi elles, l’Arbre de Pierre, une formation volcanique naturelle façonnée par l’érosion, constitue l’un des temps fort de la journée. Poursuite du voyage vers « Sol de Mañana » à environ 4850m d’altitude. Il s’agit d’un site présentant une importante activité volcanique où l’on peut découvrir une centaine de geysers qui bouillonnent, sifflent et fument dans l’air glacé.

En raison de ses propriétés géothermiques, il est envisagé d’en faire un site de production d’énergie renouvelable dans le futur, d’où le nom Sol de Mañana, le Soleil de demain. Continuation vers la région du Salar de Chalviri où vous pourrez visiter les eaux thermales de Polques. C’est le moment de profiter des propriétés curatives du site lors d’une baignade à ciel ouvert à 4000m d’altitude.

Then it's off across the "Dalí Desert" at 4660m altitude, with its strange rock formations reminiscent of paintings by the Spanish master.

Continuation by private vehicle to Laguna Verde, situated at an altitude of around 4,350 metres and covering an area of 17 km². Its fluorescent appearance is due to a very high concentration of magnesium in the surrounding rocks, which accentuates the color contrasts between the lagoon and the mountains.

The laguna blanca is right next door.

Packed lunch included during the excursion.

Continuation to the famous Laguna Colorada. Situated at an altitude of 4278m, this multicolored lake is predominantly reddish in hue, due to the presence of several types of red algae that feed some 30,000 flamingos. The view of the lagoon and its flamingos, with the Ollague volcano in the background, is breathtaking.

En route, visite du belvédère du volcan Ollagüe. À l’ouest, on aperçoit les fumerolles de l’Ollagüe, le seul volcan actif de la région, sur la frontière avec le Chili. Vous profiterez d'une vue spectaculaire sur le volcan qui culmine à 5868 m alt. vrai colosse au milieu de ces grands espaces andins de la région des Lipez.

Continuation to San Pedro de Quemez.

Check-in at hotel.

Dinner & overnight stay.

Day 3 - San Pedro de Quemez - Incahuasi Island - Uyuni

Visite des alentours et du village brûlé, vestige de la Guerre du Pacifique avec le Chili à la fin du XIXème siècle. Puis départ pour la Grotte des Galaxies où l’on peut contempler d’étranges formations géologiques, résultat du contact entre la lave et l’eau (jadis, quand le Salar était une mer).

Departure for the Salar. The Salar d'Uyuni was once part of a salt lake or "prehistoric inland sea", Lake Minchin, which covered most of south-western Bolivia. At over 12,000 km2, it is considered the world's largest salt desert. Stroll through this mysterious vastness as your journey takes you into the depths of these historic landscapes.

Packed lunch included during the excursion.

Visit to Incahuasi Island (Inca House in Quechua), the most spectacular in the Salar. It's a volcanic formation populated by giant cacti (some over 8m tall). It offers captivating views over the salt desert. Time is set aside to take perspective shots of the white immensity before returning to Uyuni.

Please note: December to March is the rainy season in the Salar region. During this season, it's not always possible to reach Incahuasi Island by car, as the Salar can be flooded. Nevertheless, the scenery is magnificent, with the sky reflected in the water. During the months of June to August, temperatures can drop very sharply, so be sure to bring very warm clothing.

Back to Uyuni.


  • San Pedro de Quemez: 3* Hotel de Piedra

  • Siloli Desert: 3* Hotel del Desierto

    Hotel categories are based on national standards. Hotels are subject to availability at the time of booking. In the event of non-availability, they will be replaced by hotels of equivalent category. Upgrade to a higher category is possible.

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